Keynote Speech
9:45am - 10:30am
Keynote Presentation
Dr. Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino
Title: Decentralized machine learning and the compute continuum
Abstract: Decentralized machine learning (DML) enables collaborative machine learning without
centralized input data. Federated learning (FL) and edge inference (EI) are examples of DML.
Collaboration naturally happens at the edge of a distributed system with inherently distributed
data. While tools for DML are starting to flourish, much needs to be done to get more flexible and
portable tools to experiment with novel techniques, non-fully connected topologies, multiple data
domains, and asynchronous collaboration schemes. We'll present recent advances in DML,
aiming to improve usability in data centers and, at the edge, to widen the class of models
extending FL to non-DDN paradigms, to improve the accuracy of models controlling normalization
and frequency of communications, and to boost data privacy through generative adversarial
Bio: Marco Aldinucci is a full professor and P.I. of the Parallel Computing research group at the
University of Torino. He received the HPC Advisory Council University Award 2011, the NVidia
Research Award 2013, the IBM Faculty Award 2015, and the Autodesk Award 2021. He has
participated in over 20 EU-funded research projects on parallel, cloud, and high-performance
computing, attracting over 10M€ of research funds to the University of Torino. He has been the
Italian delegate on the EuroHPC JU Governing Board (2018-2021). He has led the design of the
HPC4AI laboratory and is the founding director of the CINI HPC Key Technologies and Tools
national laboratory, gathering researchers from 38 Italian Universities. He is co-leading FureHPC,
the technological spoke of the Italian National Centre on HPC (ICSC). He co-designed over ten
programming frameworks for parallel and distributed computing.
Technical Sessions (Morning)
Chair: TBA
11:15am - 1:00pm
Parallel and Distributed Frugal Tracking of a Quantile
M. Cafaro, I. Epicoco, M. Pulimeno
eGossip: Optimizing Resource Utilization in Gossip-Based Clusters through eBPF
K. Tsai, J. Chou
Technical Sessions (Afternoon)
Chair: TBA
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Defining the Boundaries for Endpoint Congestion Management in Networks for
High-Performance Computing
D. Postigo, D. Herreros, E. Barón, C. Camarero, P. Fuentes
Accelerating Application Bulk Synchronous Writes in HPC Environments
A. Khan, C. Zimmer, S. Atchley, R. Miller, S. Oral, F. Wang
Flying Base Station Channel Capacity
S. Chang, K. Park, J. Kim, J. Kim